Deborah H. Marks




I specialize in writing articles, which can be found in various locations around the Internet. These articles vary widely in content and subject matter.

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Creative Copywriting

I can help with creating original content or editing finished copy. Go to the contact page for more information.

I write novels, nonfiction books, articles, essays, poems, and songs. I particularly write content regarding Christian spirituality. I am also a minister and can be contacted for speaking and other ministry services. I also provide private teaching services. Contact me for further information by going to the Contact page.

Sometimes I write About Writing

Put One Foot In Front of the Other

Compelling prose is the heartbeat of every fiction writer. We ache to bring the readers into the world we've created. Teaching other writers how to do this is tricky at best, for teaching an art form is itself an art form. But staring at eager yet pained faces of...

A Word for Writers

Settled into the Seattle-reminiscent, ubiquitous entity that is Starbucks, my laptop alight and my coffee on its way, I prepare to gain focus as the drone of my surroundings fades into my subconscience. Here is where it becomes easier to sip on the syrupy sweetness of...